Drink Up!
As much as we all know we need to drink more water for our body’s optimal hydration, let’s be honest: how many of us don’t do it? In fact, there are studies out there that say 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. Whether it’s because we keep forgetting to bring a water bottle with us, or whether it’s because we just plain forget to make time for it, or because we find drinking water one of the most boring ways to spend our time, many of us still haven’t mastered the art of hydration. But the countless benefits of drinking water is one of those rare things everyone agrees on, no matter how much you may hate it. And especially as the temperatures rise in the late spring and summer, and we’re getting outside for more activities, we need to be even more diligent water drinkers.
So in this post, it’s my attempt to remind you WHY we need as much water as we do, the warning signs of being dehydrated, and some tricks to increase our daily intake of good old sky juice.
“I believe that water is the only drink for a wise man.”
Our bodies are about 60 percent water, and we need to constantly replenish that supply as our bodies are continuously using it in its daily processes. We need water to help flush toxins from our body, regulate body temperature, digest food, boost our metabolism, maintain healthy skin, and lubricate joints to name a few. And when it’s hot outside and/or when we’re exercising, we need water to help balance out our body’s fluids that we lose when we sweat.
What does it look like when we aren’t adequately hydrated?
Well, we get thirsty. Our mouths get dry and sticky. Check in with yourself throughout the day to see if you’re being mindful of your thirst.
Our urine is too dark (the pee of a well-hydrated body is clear)
We get foggy-brained
We get headaches
We get tired
We get constipated
When I see one of the symptoms above in myself, I always pause and wonder: how much water did I get today? Usually the answer is “not enough”.
So, water is essential. Well and good. But what if it’s not that we don’t know how important water is, it’s just that we’re just struggling to get enough for one reason or another? One of my favorite tips is to create habits in your day around drinking water. For example:
Drink a tall glass of water right after you wake up. It’s a great way to start the day and gives you a boost of energy.
If you drink coffee or caffeinated tea as a morning ritual, drink glasses of water between cups and after.
Drink another half an hour before mealtimes (this helps to kick start digestion too).
Drink a glass of water about an hour before working out, always have a bottle with you during, and drink another glass after.
Bring water with you in the car and use stop lights as a reminder to have a few sips.
If you’re drinking alcohol, drink a glass of water before you pour or order, and have a glass of water in between pouring or ordering another.
If you work at a desk, keep it right there in front of you. (I’m so much better about drinking water when I’m at work because it’s looking me right in the face.)
“Pure water is the world’s first and foremost medicine.”
My favorite tips to motivate you to drink more water are:
Measure it!
Generally, divide your weight (in pounds) in half, and drink that many ounces of water a day. But always listen to your body. Depending on what activity you’re engaging in, you may need more.
Use a clear water bottle with measurement markings. I personally like to know how much water I’ve consumed in a day and how much I have left.
Put a rubber band around your water bottle every time you fill up so you have a daily record of how much you’ve had.
Find a water bottle or glass that suits you and stick with it.
Think about how you like to drink water. I like a water bottle with a hinged spout, myself. Some people like a twist off, or a sport cap. Maybe it’s a traditional glass or an old plastic cup celebrating the 2006 Cards World Series win. Whatever it is, keep it with you all day and don’t let that hydration buddy go empty!
Some people find using a straw more motivating. (Just be sure to use a favorite reusable straw.)
Choose a color of water bottle you love and/or put your favorite stickers on it to make it a friend you won’t leave behind.
Customize that H20!
If you like ice cold water, keep a filled water bottle ready to go in the fridge.
Make it fancy by dropping in a few lemon, lime or cucumber slices, or berries and toss those in (and eat them after).
Always have options.
If still water bores you to tears, opt for sparkling water—there are a million options out there these days. If you’re relying on it as your main hydration source, choose a sparkly that doesn’t have added sugar.
Herbal tea, hot or cold, is a great source of hydration as well.
Rely on an accountability buddy.
There are many apps available on your device to help remind you to drink water and track it for you. (One such being the Waterllama water tracker that I just downloaded to try. Bonus: the developers are from the Ukraine!)
Challenge a friend to drink more water with you, and keep each other honest.
Let me know in the comments below one of your favorite ways to drink more water in your day.
I don’t know about you, but this made me thirsty! Keep yourselves well-hydrated out there, my Healthy-Curious friends!
xoxo Julie